Two More Links for Tonight

1) This is about the clearest, concisest explanation of why the bailout (or “rescue” as the government and complicit media are now referring to it as) is bad.  It lines up very nicely with why I’m against it.  Of course, it doesn’t seem like it matters now, since the Fed unilaterally made the decision to spend $630BILLION on bank bailouts (much of it going overseas) before the House even voted!  This country is so screwed.

2) Here is a great article about the current gas shortage in Georgia (and the Southeast).  You may not like the end result, but you have to admit, he makes a very good point.  In the end, gasoline may actually cost less when the government doesn’t interfere with the market.

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  1. For some reason I thought you lived near Dallas.

    Just heard a fact on CNN (Anderson Cooper) where he referenced a blog that stated the breakdown of the vote on the bailout.

    Those with “safe” seats in the upcoming election overwhelmingly supported the measure, while those in a fight for their seat were more likely to vote “no”.

    Not a shock!

  2. Dallas, GA. :)

    Whatever makes them vote against it. Hopefully, they’ll adjourn, campaign, and come back in January when the market is recovering and they don’t need to do anything. Hey, a guy can dream, right?

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