More Manipulation

The DOW climbed enormously today.  90% of Americans won’t see past that first sentence.  The reason it came up is that the government is once again coming to our “rescue” by drafting a plan for more socialism!  Yay!

The government manipulation of our markets has got to stop.  It will not end well and rest assured, it will end. Once the money is gone, our dollar is so devalued, and our creditors (China, anyone) come calling, it will end.

I said this over on SlapShotSal’s blog, but it bears repeating here:  In these last 2 weeks, the Bush Administration (not just Bush, but his Fed chairman, his advisers, etc) has done more damage to this country than they had in the previous 8 years. Meanwhile, all we can do is squabble about some “supposed” emails and “lipstick on a pig” comments.

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