Those Crazy Brits

I’m not generally in the habit of checking Yahoo! News (I think I’m still a bit ticked off at them due to the fact that as soon as I bought some of their stock, it lost like 20%), but a friend of mine sent me this link to a Y! News story about Britain’s most stupid laws.

Nearly 4000 people (I assume, British) were surveyed to determine what the most absurd law in Britain is. There are some real gems in this one.

Top of the list is dying in parliament. I’m not really sure how they punish you at that point, but apparently, it’s illegal. You better not wear a suit of armour (yes, that’s spelt correctly) to parliament either. Yep, illegal!

Additionally, Liverpool fish stores are either the most interesting retail establishments in all of Jolly England or the most horrifying. Why? Because it is legal for clerks in tropical fish stores in Liverpool to go topless. Only in tropical fish stores, though. Don’t you dare try it in a hardware store!

By far, the high point of this article for me was the #10 most ridiculous law. Only a mere 2% of people voted this one to be the most ridiculous. Apparently, it is perfectly legal to murder bow-and-arrow-toting Scots as long as you are within the ancient city walls of York. The fact that this particular law was voted the least ridiculous of all (including being beat thoroughly by the law making any dead whale heads the property of the King) tells me that there is probably still a bit of bad blood between the Brits and the Scots.

Perhaps we should refortify Hadrian’s Wall and make sure that it’s staffed with a contingent of armed guards at all times.

Well, I need to close this post out so I can make my travel arrangements to go Scotsman hunting. (Just kidding, friends.)

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